LinkORB Engineering
The engineering-astro repository contains source code for the LinkORB Engineering website. The website contains:
The purpose of this guide will be to assist new technical writers with successfully completing their first contribution to the LinkORB Engineering website. Specifically, this guide will cover:
At LinkORB, Team HQ is our primary project and task tracking tool. Any tasks assigned to you will be visible at your Team HQ Dashboard. Within your assigned tasks will be helpful information like background context, acceptance criteria, and the names of subject matter experts (SMEs). Be sure to read the task details carefully before beginning.
For more information about using Team HQ, please refer to these guides.
Cyans, which integrates with Team HQ, is LinkORB’s primary asynchronous communications tool. Cyans is the best place to ask clarifying questions before and during task execution.
As mentioned above, Cyans and Team HQ are integrated. This means a Cyan’s topic can be linked with a Team HQ task and any discussion in Cyans will be copied into the task history.
The easiest way to link a Cyans topic and a Team HQ task is to select + Topic from the task Links section on the right hand side of the Team HQ task. Alternatively, if you’ve already started a Cyan’s topic and want to link it to a Team HQ task, check out the Cyan’s /link
slash command.
Your accounts for both Team HQ and Cyans would have been set up during the onboarding process.
LinkORB has a “documentation as code” philosophy. This means that publishing and maintaining documentation adopts the same workflow as software development. Please review this technical documentation at LinkORB guide for further details.
To get started, a team lead or senior team member will grant you read access to the engineering-astro repository on GitHub.
New team members can be confused at not being granted write access. At LinkORB, instead of having multiple branches within the source repository, contributors submit pull requests between their forked repository and the source repository.
While branching within the source repository is not a common practice, branching is recommended within each writer’s forked repository as contributors can have multiple, concurrent tasks.
To run the application using a Codespace or locally, you must first fork the astro-engineering repository (the source repository).
For general instructions on forking repositories, see the GitHub documentation of forking a repository.
Grant your team lead and other team members who will review your pull requests access to your fork. Ask your team leader for a list of GitHub users. Granting access to team members lets them run your branch in a Codespace so they can verify your changes.
For general instructions on managing repository access settings, see the GitHub documentation on managing teams and people with access to your repository.
In addition to running the project locally, you can also run it using a GitHub Codespace, a development environment that runs entirely in the cloud. A benefit of using a Codespace instead of local development is that all dependency installation and server initiation is handled by the Codespace. Please refer to our Getting started with GitHub Codespaces guide for more information.
Open a Codespace against the fork (ex. [your username]/engineering-astro) and not the source repository (ex. linkorb/engineering-astro).
The following steps explain how to run the application locally on your computer.
Running the application locally assumes Git, Node Package Manager (npm), and Node.js have been installed locally. Please see the official docs for both installing Git and downloading and installing Node.js and npm for further guidance.
Run the command below, replacing [your fork URL]
with the HTTPS URL of your fork.
git clone [your fork URL]
Navigate into the directory you cloned from GitHub and run the command below.
npm install
In the same directory you cloned from GitHub, run the following command.
npm run dev
npm run dev
starts a local Node.js server and returns a localhost URL for you to view the website in a browser; including any changes you make to the code base.
If working in a Codespace, a cloud version of VSCode is supplied.
If working locally, you can use any IDE, however VSCode is most commonly used at LinkORB. If installed, typing code .
from the project’s root directory will open the cloned repo in VSCode.
As previously mentioned, you can start a local Node.js server to review any changes you’ve made locally by running the command; npm run dev
While not comprehensive, below is an outline of the repository directories most commonly modified by technical writers. When modifying or creating new Markdown documents within the repository, it will be done within src/pages/[directory].
├── public/
│ └── img/ # Images for md files
├── src/ # Astro site source (code + content)
│ └── pages/
│ └── about/
│ └── admin/
│ └── blog/
│ │ └── index.astro # blog index
│ │ └── *.md|mdx # blog posts
│ └── topics/
│ │ └── docker # subdirectory containing Markdown files for related content
│ │ └── git # subdirectory
│ │ └── markdown # subdirectory
│ │ └── symfony # subdirectory
│ └── index.astro # home page
Please thoroughly review LinkORB’s technical documentation guides for an explanation of LinkORB’s requirements and standards for all technical documents.
Additionally, we have git commit standards that team members use to ensure collaborators have context on each change.
The LinkORB Engineering website is built using Astro. As such, Markdown files contain frontmatter properties (or defined parameters) at the top of the file within a three-hyphen code fence.
Frontmatter properties are principally used to pass metadata about the file to Astro components. While it’s not necessarily important that all technical writers understand the inner workings of Astro, it’s good to know that these properties are required for the site to do things like:
// Metadata for topics
layout: "$/layouts/TopicLayout.astro"
title: "Configure LinkORB's commit message template"
// Metadata for blog posts
layout: "$/layouts/PostLayout.astro"
title: "Title goes here"
subtitle: "Add subtitle here"
backgroundImageUrl: /img/code.webp
date: "2023-12-19"
author: "your-alias"
Including images in technical documentation can be useful in providing visual aids to readers. We have documented a guide on when and how to embed images. However it’s important for new contributors to note that:
We’ve also set up Vale to help with proofreading our documentation. Vale is a command-line tool that checks for spelling and grammar errors, as well as style and tone issues. It’s a great way to ensure that our documentation is clear, concise, and consistent.
Follow the instructions in our guide to proofread documentation with Vale.
Linting markdown files is the process of checking for errors and ensuring that they adhere to a set of standards or principles. This is necessary to ensure consistency and readability in documentation.
To conduct markdown linting in this repository, we use a linter called markdownlint. To learn more about markdown linting in this repo, check out this guide.
Sync your fork with the source repository before pushing your changes. As a best practice, periodically sync your fork with the source repository. See the GitHub documentation on syncing a fork.
When making your first pull request (PR), make sure the updates you’ve made are on a new branch and follow our pull request best practices.
It is important to frequently sync the main branch in your forked repo with source repo. Afterwards, you should merge any recent changes to the main branch into your working branch. This ensures any pull request associated with your branch includes the latest version of the source application.
After submitting this PR, provide your team lead with access to your forked repository which allows them to run your branch in a Codespace.
Consider using GitHub’s draft pull request feature if requesting feedback on work-in-progress.
After opening your PR, you’ll want to:
Upon a successful PR review, the project maintainer will merge your changes into the main branch of the source repository and deploy the changes!
Hooray! You have successfully contributed technical documentation to LinkORB!