Adding useful links to the LinkORB Engineering site in [#markdown]


All library topics on the LinkORB engineering site have a Links page that serves as a repository of useful external links related to a given topic.

Access the repository in a development environment

Either clone the engineering-astro repository or open it in a Codespace. Please see the repository README for additional information.

To add a new link within a topic:

  1. Open or create the links subfolder of that topic.

  2. Add the title, url, and abstract (short description) of the resource to the links array of an existing YAML file that best describes the resource.

    If the resource doesn’t fall under any of the categories described by the filenames of the existing files under the links folder, create a new YAML file and add the resource link’s details accordingly.


          + src
          ++ pages
          +++ topics
          ++++ example-topic
          +++++ links
          ++++++ how-tos.yaml

    Within the new YAML file:

    1. Set the title field to the category to which the resource belongs.

    2. Add the resource’s details to the links array as shown in the below example.

      title: How Tos
         - title: Writing technical material for humans.
           abstract: Are you a robot? The 5-step guide will teach you how to stop writing like one.

Create a pull request

After validating your changes in a browser, please commit your changes to a branch and open a pull request.

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