LinkORB's Ansible Repositories in [#ansible]

We accomplish a clean, maintainable, and high-quality codebase by implementing Ansible, reducing the need for direct access to production systems. Ansible provides many functions at Linkorb, with all of our repositories including:


The linkorb/ansible repository has two ansible directories: the root directory is an updated setup for new servers, and the second directory is an updated setup for existing servers. The server-style-ansible subdirectory contains an archive of the ansible playbooks we used prior to the restructuring.


The infra-ansible repository was established with the goal of simplifying Ansible setup by using proper roles, best practices, multi-inventory, and so on. Although maintenance has not been prioritized, the structure is more in line with how we anticipate a decent setup of our future Ansible repos.


The ansible-role-shipyard repository is an Ansible role that combines Helm and Helmfile for Docker compose. It’s a role we intend to use frequently as a bridge between manual docker compose stacks and kubernetes/helm. It is used in infra-ansible and provides several examples.


The repo-ansible repository is not related to infra, but is for consistently managing repository auxiliary files through Ansible. This is in active development by Jovana and Marius.

About Ansible