🏅 Badges

🏅 Markdown Basics Badge

Markdown Basics


Understand the basics of the Markdown language

The Markdown language is a lightweight markup language used for formatting text. It's a fast and easy way to add structure and styling to plain text documents.

Earning Criteria:

  • 📝 understands the syntax and formatting rules in the Markdown language.
  • 📝 can create structured documents with headings, paragraphs, quotes, code blocks, lists, and tables.
  • 📝 knows how to add links, images, and other media to Markdown documents.
  • 📝 can preview a Markdown document to ensure it looks correct and is properly formatted.

    Working at LinkORB

    LinkORB Engineering is the sub-group of LinkORB focused on the development and operations of our products and platforms: innovative healthcare solutions for healthcare professionals and their patients.

    We are a fully remote team collaborating almost entirely asynchronously to build and support products used by millions of families and thousands of healthcare professionals.

    Read more about LinkORB Engineering. Specifically, you might check out our:

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